"The Tibetan Spaniel- A Gift From the Roof of the World"

er skrevet av amerikanske Susan W. Miccio, (255 s.),utgitt 1995. (Boka kan bestilles på Amazon.com.)

About the Author:
 "Susan Miccio brings a solid journalistic background to this, her first book. During an 18-year career with the U.S. government, she rose from interviewer to writer to editor."
"Susan describes herself as a "life-long animal lover".
"I can no longer imagine my life without my joyful little Tibbies."

Susan jobbet i tre år med å skaffe stoff til boka ved å henvende seg til eiere og kjente oppdrettere av Tibetansk Spaniel over hele verden. Hun skaffet også  fotografier av ulike tibber på samme måte, så  flere av våre tibbers "forfedre" er avbildet i boka. Vi finner også  flere illustrasjoner, tegnet av Karin Olsen (Sakya kennel, Norge) i boka.

Boka har 13 kapitler som omhandler følgende:
Meet the Tibetan Spaniel. The Tibetan Spaniel  in His Homeland. The Tibetan Spaniel in the United Kingdom. The Tibetan Spaniel in the United States.  The Tibetan Spaniel Around the World. The Tibetan Spaniel At Work and Play (Therapy-tibbies). Finding Your Tibetan Spaniel. Caring for Your Tibetan Spaniel Puppy. Caring for Your Adult Tibetan Spaniel. Training Your Tibetan Spaniel. Your Tibetan Spaniel's Health. Showing Tibetan Spaniels. Breeding Tibetan Spaniels. 

Noen sitater fra boka hennes:
" It has been just a century since the Tibetan Spaniel left its mysterious homeland on the "roof of the world" to journey to the West. And yet after a hundred years, the breed is still rare and largely unknown. Among his human enthusiasts, the Tibetan Spaniel is called the "best-kept secret in the dog world"

Selv om vi i Norge regner Tibetansk Spaniel som en vanlig rase, er det mange land som ser på rasen som svært sjelden. I boka finner  vi følgende opplysning ang. registrerte tibber:

World registrations in 1993:
Australia- 185, Canada-5, Denmark-46, Finland-1150, France-62, Germany- 5, Ireland-150, Netherlands- 12, New Zealand-59, Norway- 430, South Africa-1, Spain-10, Sweden-327, U.K.-386, U.S.-383.

Tibetansk Spaniel i hjemlandet Tibet:
Dalai Lama:
"The First Dalai Lama was born in 1391. The Fifth Dalai Lama (born 1616), called the Great, achieved pre-eminens among Buddhist leaders in Tibet. He is remembered for the construction of the Potala Palace. In addition to his accomplishment as a leader, the Thirtheenth (born 1876), also called the Great, was fond of animals and owned many dogs, including Tibetan Spaniels."
"Prayer Dogs" :
"Many references to the Tibetan Spaniel repeat a persistent legend that they turned the great prayer wheels in Tibetan monasteries where they lived and that, as a result, they were called "Prayer Dogs"

"Valued as watchdogs, bed warmers and companion, the dogs were allowed free run of the house or monastery and often accompained their masters on journeys and pilgrimages."

"The Tibetan Spaniel is a long-lived and healthy breed. If given the basic care that he requires, your Tibbie should remain happy and active well into his senior years. In fact, Tibbies live an average of 16 years."

Are You Right for a Tibetan Spaniel?
"After 15 years, I still find them intriguing and absolutely enchanting.It's partly their complete self-importance, but you can never dominate a Tibbie and, if that's what you need to do, then the Tibbie aren't the right breed for you."


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